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COVID-19 Safety

Updated – Sept. 13, 2022

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            We take the health and well-being of our students and their families very seriously. Our procedures regarding the COVID-19 pandemic are listed below. Please read them carefully, and we ask that you respect them while in our shared space. These procedures will be updated as health regulations are altered and/or new information is made available.

Please understand that these procedures are in place for everyone’s safety, and staff will not tolerate any abuse regarding these policies.



  • We will no longer be actively screening people as they enter the building; however, we would like to remind everyone that the waivers signed upon registration includes “Section A.2” which states that you and/or your child will not enter the building if you are symptoms related to COVID-19 This includes a new or worsening fever, cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat (trouble swallowing), runny nose, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea.

(Please note that refunds will not be given for missed classes. While in-person make-up classes are not guaranteed we do our best to offer make-up class options. In lieu of in-person make-up classes, students/parents may also a video dance class which students will be able to follow along with at home. This video may not be in the same style or have the same teacher as their usual class)

  • Accurate Attendance Sheets will be kept of all students who attend classes each day



  • Teachers & staff will continue to mask until further notice.

  • Masks for students and visitors to the studio are optional.  We will continue to have adult & child disposable masks available for those who need/want one. Masks are strongly encouraged if your dancer is experiencing a cold or other illness which you know is not COVID-19, as we have found that masks have also stopped the spread of colds, especially among our teachers.


Drop-off & Pick-up:

  • Students should wash or sanitize their hands upon arrival at the studio, as well as at the end of their dance class.


Social Distancing & Capacity:

  • Individuals are still encouraged to stay distanced as much as possible while in our common areas

  • Class sizes limits will remain in effect (depending on the age of the students and the room they are dancing in) to allow us to maintain a safe distance during our classes

  • We are excited to work on more travelling and patterning steps during classes, but we will continue to make our best effort to maintain distance during these exercises.

  • Teachers will continue to focus on giving students visual and verbal cues throughout their lessons. If a hands-on correction is needed, teachers will use hand-sanitizer prior to giving the correction unless a safety concern requires a faster response time.

  • Partner work and hand-holding exercises will still be avoided until further notice



  • The building will be thoroughly cleaned regularly to ensure a safe environment

  • Hand-sanitizer will be readily available throughout the building

  • Any shared items (such as barres, mats and dance props) will be cleaned and sanitized regularly

  • When students use any shared items (i.e. - some instruments, exercise bands, etc.), they will be asked to use hand sanitizer after the activity is completed

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